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The studio , founded in 2010, deals with design at different scales (single and collective residences, buildings for education, open spaces and infrastructures, commercial and tertiary buildings, sports equipment, sacred buildings, public buildings, urban design, installations) , design, interior design and restoration competitions.

One of the constants of the studio's activity is the interest in the design discipline as well as in the size of the construction and therefore in the construction site. Great attention is paid to controlling the cost of the works during the design and construction phase.

The study has obtained numerous awards and has been the subject of various publications in specialized sector journals.


Photographers: Eros Mauroner, Germano Borrelli, Alberto Muciaccia, Marco Introini, Chiara Gavuzzi, Giorgio Bertocchi, Jody Parisi, Giuseppe Giacomarra, Pierluigi Bianchetti, Roberto Greppi, Paolo Greppi.


Collaborators: architect Stefano Papa, architect Alessandra Albertoni, architect Simone Brioni, architect Chiara Benedetti, architect Caterina Belleri, Lorenzo Rinaldi (intern).


From 1993 to 2010 the architect Pierluigi Bianchetti collaborated continuously with the architect Paolo Greppi.

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